Correlation – European
Harm Reduction Network

Alternative Treatments
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015;13:1521–1531
Natalia Khalaf, Donna White, Fasiha Kanwal, David Ramsey, Sahil Mittal, Shahriar Tavakoli-Tabasi, Jill Kuzniarek and Hashem B. El-Serag
Coffee or caffeine has been proposed to protect against hepatic fibrosis, but few data are available on their effects in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. A modest daily caffeine intake (as little as 100 mg) may protect against advanced hepatic fibrosis in men with chronic HCV infection. Additional research is needed to confirm these findings in women and in people with other chronic liver diseases.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Case Reports in Hepatology: Volume 2015, Article ID 807354, 3 pages;
Mohammad Bilal, Yogesh Patel, Micheal Burkitt, and Michael Babich
Several dietary supplements used for weight loss have been reported to cause hepatotoxicity. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a dietary supplement that has been shown to cause reduction in body fat mass. Here, we present the first case of CLA induced acute hepatitis in the United States and only the third case in the worldwide literature along with a brief review of the literature.
Endocrinology 2015, doi: 10.1210/en.2015-1258
Sheng Xia, Xiao-ping Li, Lu Cheng, Mu-tian Han, Miao-miao Zhang, Qi-xiang Shao, Hua-xi Xu1, and Ling Qi
Study shows that a diet rich in fish oils promotes self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells and extramedullary hematopoiesis.
Alan Franciscus Editor in Chief, HCV Advocate Magazine, July 2015
This review will focus on the important issues regarding the lack of standardization, possible contamination, some deceptive claims and a list of the herbs that have the most potential to harm the liver.
Gastroenterology 2015;148:958–966
Tom C. Russ, Mika Kivimäki, Joanne R. Morling, John M. Starr, Emmanuel Stamatakis, and G. David Batty
Based on a meta-analysis, psychological distress is associated with liver disease mortality, although this finding requires additional analysis.
Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Department of Medicine and Molecular Medicine & Translational Science
Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem, North Carolina;
A theme common to contemporary pathophysiology is that we are constantly being bombarded by stressors that have deleterious effects on organ structure and function.
Hepatitis Central
Nicole Cutler L.Ac., June 2015,
Individuals with Hepatitis C can impact the course of their illness with their daily food choices. Fatigue adds another layer of culpability to the foods we choose to eat. Besides potentially aiding or impairing liver detoxification, certain foods can also drain energy levels.
Hepatitis Central
Nicole Cutler L.Ac., June 2015
Find out why most people with Hepatitis C need to eat plenty of protein, and which protein sources are the best.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and HCV
Misha Cohen 2008: Caring Ambassadors Hepatitis C Choices 4th Edition 2008
Article provides a through overview of Chinese medicine and herbal treatments for HCV
Complementary and alternative therapies in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
a systematic review:
Joanna Thompson Coon, Edzard Ernst: Journal of Hepatology 40 (2004) 491–500
Complementary therapies are widely promoted for and used by patients with hepatitis C. The aim of this article was to systematically assess the efficacy of complementary therapies in treating chronic hepatitis C.
How Does Coffee Prevent Liver Fibrosis?
Biological Plausibility for Recent Epidemiological Observations
The published epidemiological data demonstrates an inverse relationship between coffee (and potentially other caffeinated beverage) consumption and liver fibrosis and its downstream complications are weighty and rapidly accumulating. Several excellent recent reviews examine this evidence in great detail, and the overwhelming conclusion is that this inverse relationship is real—coffee drinking reduces liver fibrosis.
Hepatitis C- Epidemiology and Review of Complementary/Alternative Medicine Treatments
Lyn Patrick, ND: Alternative Medicine Review, Volume 4, Number 4, ©1999 Thorne Research, Inc.
The hepatic damage is due both to the cytopathic effect of the virus and the inflammatory changes secondary to immune activation. The use of the botanical components glycyrrhizin, catechin, silymarin and phytosterols, and the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and vitamin E are reviewed for their efficacy in treating chronic hepatitis and affecting liver damage.
Get The Facts:
Hepatitis C Focus on Dietary Supplements
US Department of Health and Human Services 2013
Conventional medical treatments are available for chronic hepatitis C. Some people with hepatitis C also try complementary health approaches, especially dietary supplements. This fact sheet provides basic information on hepatitis C, summarizes scientific research on selected supplements, and suggests sources for additional information.
Marijuana does not Accelerate Liver Disease
in HIV–HCV Coinfection
Laurence Brunet, Erica E. M. Moodie, Kathleen Rollet, Curtis Cooper, Sharon Walmsley, Martin Potter, and Marina B. Klein; for the Canadian Co-infection Cohort Investigators: CID 2013:57 (1 September)
Marijuana smoking is common and believed to relieve many symptoms, but daily use has been associated with liver fibrosis in cross-sectional studies. We aimed to estimate the effect of marijuana smoking on liver disease progression in a Canadian prospective multicenter cohort of HIV/HCV co-infected persons.
Increased Intake of Vegetables, but not Fruit,
Reduces Risk for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
A Meta-analysis,
Yang Yang, Dan Zhang, Na Feng, Guochong Chen, Jianjiang Liu, Guiping Chen, Yuan Zhu, Gastroenterology 2014
Based on a meta-analysis, increased intake of vegetables, but not fruit, is associated with lower risk for HCC. The risk of HCC decreases by 8% for every 100g/day increase in vegetable intake. The findings should be confirmed by future studies with validated questionnaires and strict control of confounders.
The Top Three Alternative Treatments for Hepatitis C
Nicole Cutler, L.Ac.: June 2010
For those who are not able to conquer the Hepatitis C virus with combination therapy, discover three holistic approaches that can help improve your treatment odds and/or stave off liver damage.

Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network
is co-funded by the European Union
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